Criminal Justice Cases

Dr Sandford accepts instructions for preparing reports for the Crown, High and Appeal Courts involving fitness to plead, diminished responsibility, loss of control, provocation, intent, risk assessment (sexual, violence and arson) and indeterminate sentencing.  

Instructions can be undertaken for the prosecution, defence or the Court.  

To date, reports have been provided for over 270 homicide cases. Dr Sandford has given oral evidence in Crown Court on numerous occasions, including many homicide trials.

Dr Sandford undertakes consultations throughout the West Midlands, South West England, South Central England, and South East Wales. Assessments can be undertaken within custodial settings, at offices in Hereford, or at the offices of the instructing solicitor. A significant number of consultations are undertaken via video link where this is deemed appropriate.

Family Court Cases

Dr Sandford has produced over 260 psychiatric reports regarding mental health and fitness to parent, including assessing risks related to substance misuse, sexual offending, mental illness, learning disability, personality disorder and domestic violence. He has given expert evidence in the Family Court on numerous occasions in both public and private law matters.

Please note that we are currently we are only able to accept Family Court cases based in the Three Counties area of Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire. However, consideration will be given to cases where the client is able to travel to see Dr Sandford in Hereford or via video link.

Civil and Insurance Cases

Dr Sandford has produced a significant number of reports in civil cases, including litigation, capacity to manage affairs, and civil litigation related to causation, treatment and disability arising from psychiatric injury, mental disorder, stress, depression, anxiety disorders and PTSD. 

Please note that we are currently we are only able to accept Civil and Insurance cases based in the Three Counties area of Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire. However, consideration will be given to cases where the client is able to travel to see Dr Sandford in Hereford or via video link.

Dr Sandford does not accept instruction directly from patients/individuals.